Izplatītākās ceļa zīmes Eiropā

101 Danger ahead 102 Unmarked intersection ahead with priority from right 103 Bend to right 105 Double bend (first to right) 108 Steep hill downwards 110 Steep hill upwards 112 Uneven road 113 Risk of snow or ice 114 Road slippery when wet or dirty 115 Falling or fallen rocks 116 Loose chippings 117 Side winds 120 Road narrows on both sides 121 Road narrows (right) 123 Road works 124 Traffic queues likely ahead 125 Two-way traffic 128 Opening or swing bridge ahead 129 Quayside or river bank 131 Traffic signals 133 Pedestrians in road ahead 134 Zebra crossing 136 Children crossing ahead 138 Cycle route ahead 140 Cattle 142 Wild animals 144 Low-flying aircraft or sudden aircraft noise 150 Level crossing with gate/barrier or half-barrier ahead 151 Level crossing without barrier or gate ahead 153 Countdown marker (left) to level crossing with gate or barrier 156 Countdown marker (right) indicating that level crossing is 240m ahead 159 Countdown marker (right) indicating that level crossing is 160m ahead 162 Countdown marker (right) indicating that level crossing is 80m ahead 201 St. Andrew's cross; railway traffic has priority 205 Give way 206 Stop and give way 208 Give priority to vehicles from opposite direction 209-20 Turn right ahead 209-30 Ahead only 211-20 Turn right 214-20 Ahead or right only 215 Roundabout 220 One-way-street 222-20 Pass by on right, i.e. keep right 223.1 Shoulder lane open to traffic 223.2 End of shoulder lane 223.3 Shoulder lane ends 229 Taxi rank 237 Route for pedal cycles only 238 Horses only 239 Pedestrians only 240 Unsegregated route for use by pedal cycles and pedestrians only 241 Segregated pedal cycle and pedestrian route
| 242.1 Pedestrian zone 242.2 End of a pedestrian zone 244.1 Route for pedal cycles 244.2 End of route for pedal cycles 245 Buses only 250 No vehicles 251 Motor vehicles except solo motor cycles prohibited 253 Prohibited for vehicles with a permitted gross weight over 3.5t including their trailers, and for tractors except passenger cars and buses 254 Bicycles prohibited 255 Solo motor cycles prohibited 256 Mopeds prohibited 258 Ridden or accompanied horses prohibited 259 Pedestrians prohibited 260 Motor vehicles prohibited 261 Hazardous cargo prohibited (no vehicles transporting marked hazardous materials) 262 Weight limit (no vehicles over maximum gross weight shown) 263 Axle weight limit (no vehicles over weight on axle shown) 264 Horizontal clearance (no vehicles over width shown) 265 Vertical clearance (no vehicles over height shown) 266 Length restriction (no vehicle or combination of vehicles over length shown) 267 No entry for vehicular traffic 268 Snow chains required 269 Water polluting cargo prohibited 270.1 Traffic restriction zone for reduction of air pollution 270.2 End of traffic restriction zone for reduction of air pollution 272 No U-turns 273 Minimum following distance (vehicles shown are required to maintain the indicated minimum following distance) 274 Maximum speed 274.1 Entry to 30kph zone 274.2 End of 30kph zone 275 Minimum speed 276 No overtaking 277 No overtaking for vehicles with a permitted gross weight over 3.5t including their trailers, and for tractors except passenger cars and buses 278 End of speed limit 279 End of minimum speed 280 End of no-overtaking zone 281 End of no-overtaking zone for vehicles with a permitted gross weight over 3.5t including their trailers, and for tractors except passenger cars and buses 282 End of all speed and overtaking restrictions 283 No stopping 283-10 No stopping (start) 283-20 No stopping (end) 283-30 No stopping (in either direction) 286 No waiting 290.1 No-waiting zone 290.2 End of no-waiting zone 301 Priority at next intersection 306 Priority road |